| Master Ball | Standard Balls | Used in battle
: Catches a wild Pokémon without fail.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Ultra Ball | Standard Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 2×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Great Ball | Standard Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1.5×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Poke Ball | Standard Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Safari Ball | Standard Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1.5×.
This item can only be used in the great marsh or kanto safari zone. |
 | Net Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. If the wild Pokémon is water- or bug-type, this ball has a catch rate of 3×. Otherwise, it has a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Dive Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. If the wild Pokémon was encountered by surfing or fishing, this ball has a catch rate of 3.5×. Otherwise, it has a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Nest Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. Has a catch rate of given by `(40 - level) / 10`, where `level` is the wild Pokémon's level, to a maximum of 3.9× for level 1 Pokémon. If the wild Pokémon's level is higher than 30, this ball has a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Repeat Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. If the wild Pokémon's species is marked as caught in the trainer's Pokédex, this ball has a catch rate of 3×. Otherwise, it has a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Timer Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. Has a catch rate of 1.1× on the first turn of the battle and increases by 0.1× every turn, to a maximum of 4× on turn 30.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Luxury Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1×. Whenever the caught Pokémon's happiness increases, it increases by one extra point.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Premier Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Dusk Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon. If it's currently nighttime or the wild Pokémon was encountered while walking in a cave, this ball has a catch rate of 3.5×. Otherwise, it has a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Heal Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1×. The caught Pokémon's HP is immediately restored, PP for all its moves is restored, and any status ailment is cured.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Quick Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 4× on the first turn of a battle, but 1× any other time.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Cherish Ball | Special Balls | Used in battle
: Attempts to catch a wild Pokémon, using a catch rate of 1×.
If used in a trainer battle, nothing happens and the ball is lost. |
 | Potion | Healing | Used on a friendly Pokémon
: Restores 20 HP. |
 | Antidote | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures poison. |
 | Burn Heal | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures a burn. |
 | Ice Heal | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures freezing. |
 | Awakening | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures sleep. |
 | Paralyze Heal | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures paralysis. |
 | Full Restore | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores HP to full and cures any status ailment and confusion. |
 | Max Potion | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores HP to full. |
 | Hyper Potion | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 200 HP. |
 | Super Potion | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 50 HP. |
 | Full Heal | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures any status ailment and confusion. |
 | Revive | Revival | Used on a party Pokémon
: Revives the Pokémon and restores half its HP. |
 | Max Revive | Revival | Used on a party Pokémon
: Revives the Pokémon and restores its HP to full. |
 | Fresh Water | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 50 HP. |
 | Soda Pop | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 60 HP. |
 | Lemonade | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 80 HP. |
 | Moomoo Milk | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 100 HP. |
 | Energy Powder | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 50 HP. Decreases happiness by 5/5/10. |
 | Energy Root | Healing | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 200 HP. Decreases happiness by 10/10/15. |
 | Heal Powder | Status Cures | Used on a party Pokémon
: Cures any status ailment. Decreases happiness by 5/5/10. |
 | Revival Herb | Revival | Used on a party Pokémon
: Revives a fainted Pokémon and restores its HP to full. Decreases happiness by 10/10/15. |
 | Ether | Pp Recovery | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 10 PP for a selected move. |
 | Max Ether | Pp Recovery | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores PP to full for a selected move. |
 | Elixir | Pp Recovery | Used on a party Pokémon
: Restores 10 PP for each move. |